Mist Netting

It was a busy field season capturing bats in southern, central, and northern Illinois! We set out a total of 57 nets and caught a total of 96 bats with the most diversity being caught in southern Illinois. We caught seven different species of bats this year! We caught 42 […]

2024 Mist Netting Recap

Small reddish brown bat being held.
The beginning of September marked the end of the field season for the Illinois Bat Conservation Program (IBCP) as we finished work at our final, northern-most field site.  As fall begins, Illinois bat species begin to prepare for winter migration and/or hibernation and their activity patterns, habitat use, and presence […]

End of Season Update

After field work in the north and central parts of Illinois, we recently spent two nights mist netting at Paul Wightman Subterranean Nature Preserve, in southwestern Illinois (Monroe County).  A patchwork of forest fragments, restored prairie, and ponds, this property is also the site of the IBCP’s first capture of […]

Indiana bats at Paul Wightman Subterranean Nature Preserve