This year we had to be creative when it came to making outreach for IBCP fully virtual. One of the busiest times for outreach is during Bat Week and this year it was from October 24-31. We came up with new ways to celebrate still making Bat Week fun and educational. Sarah made informational blogs which you can find on our website about bat reproduction and where bats call home. Jordyn created a fun “What Kind of Illinois Bat Are You?” quiz which you can take here:

We also had the ability to speak to classes and the public through Zoom! Brittany had a public presentation about bats in Illinois which you can watch here:
We spoke with Kindergarteners – 5th graders this year for Bat Week. The classes were able to learn more about bats and ask any questions they had. If you or someone you know is a teacher let them know about our outreach program for next Halloween!